Very Different Paintings - Unusual Art


When I first started to paint I wanted like most others to make something recognisable in a pleasing setting such as a boat on a lake or a beautiful sunrise on a crisp morning. That was good but over time I realised that this art was like many others. The art world is drenched with familiar paintings in particular styles - I did not want to follow that path, I wanted to make different art in my own way.

The more an artist paints the more likely it is they develop their own "signature" that can set them apart from others but it does not always happen. In my own case it took real effort to paint as I really wanted to paint. To be honest I was not sure and that self doubt together with pressure from family and friends to conform created a real challenge. It was surely worth the challenge and I worked with like minded artists and tutors. It took a while but now I am confident and the thought of painting like others is really unattractive.

During my journey I made some wild paintings - paintings that did not fit with me at the time but these very different paintings were informative to me and certainly worth recording for future reference. At times these very unusual art pieces would help me move along, I have put some of them here for you to see. Please enjoy some of my very different paintings created during my journey, I hope it will be interesting to you and if you are an artist in the making I hope it helps you along your journey...

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I love to paint hats of all kinds but I never expected to create them like these paintings. I have only done the three pieces below in this way but I may just return some day...

abstract figure paintings from alan brain
unusual art in a figure painting
very different paintings flying collars with that hat

I have felt the need to paint my reaction to war and in particular The Great War 1914-1918. The three paintings below are a selection from the series, please click World War One paintings to see them all. There are many paintings about war made by very accomplished artists, I just had to add some of my own.

First world War Paintings - Danger Tree
Haunting painting abstract-war-paintings-Facing-Death
world war one painting poppies -unusual art

Abstract figure paintings are great to paint and I have done a lot. I use the clothing to set off colours against each other but these two needed no colour, I decided that after painting the background. Mostly white paper makes the figure with a little paint and some pencil strokes.

abstracted male figure painting- fly boy
Spanish male paintings - Hombre

Here is a slide projection of some more of my unusual art...

Chinese art (not) an abstract figure painting with oriental feeling Red Moon II

Red Moon

my sojourn into oriental art - quite unexpected maybe - I lived in Japan as a child, hmm
minimal artwork in watercolour - remember Skip

Minimal Artwork – Remember Skip

And then this painting emerged. Skip, my mentor stopped me adding any more. It is what I have been trying to do ever since.

surreal paintings for sale by uk artist alan brain - bloody exit

surreal artwork from UK artist – Bloody Exit

I never expected to paint such a surreal painting as this one

Haunting painting abstract-war-paintings-Facing-Death

haunting painting – Facing Death

oh my this one is scary!
But it was exhibited with the American Watercolor Society

abstract figures in art - attitude

lady with attitude abstract figure painting

seemed like deja vu... it is quite recent and I abandoned realism ages ago... or so I thought.i

And here is a random collection of what some may call weird art, I guess everything I paint now is peculiar - that' okay.

unusual paintings -Spring
Absolute Minimalism.
striking minimalism - two black lines
unusual art- abstract art painting in dark orange - locked
surreal paintings for sale by uk artist alan brain - bloody exit
surreal art about the destruction of the planet
very different abstract figure paintings for sale. contemporary figure art from alan brainbounce
very different art from alan brain

Paintings that are different from the norm are the ones that get noticed and these paintings are no exception. For example a number of pieces have been exhibited with The Royal Watercolour Society, The American Watercolor Society and The Crypt Gallery in London.

This artist always endeavours to make genuine paintings the like of which you have never seen before, you can see more original abstract paintings, surreal art and minimalism here online.

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