Recent Paintings by Alan Brain


It's time to collect together my recent paintings and publish them... so here they are 🙂

If you would like to buy any or simply say hi then please contact me on 07941 562162.

Anything About Art

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This recent painting is an intensity painting heavily interrupted by those two black lines. Painting intensities requires delicate use of colour with as few value changes. They can be beautiful - this one, at least for me needed a powerful difference hence the two black lines



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

striking minimalism - two black lines

Another one of my recent paintings but it is hard to see on a computer screen but this is an intensity painting. There are colour variations within the large rectangle that you cannot see. The interruption  that too is intensity but of a different value.


please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

Serene Minimal Paintings

Some surrealism here, a lot of surrealism perhaps, to create space with meaning - the symbols say so much.



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details


Now I must be honest this one is almost recognisable as a place. It was certainly inspired by the view from one of our regular dog walks.  However as usual I have tried to paint the feeling of the place not the place itself.



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

vibrant paintings in watercolour- Beyond

This recent painting is similar to the one above (colours apart) but I have added some of my geometry... and a pencil line or three. Anything added is intended to emphasise the reaction you have - not to entertain you. But it's all fun!



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

I may have got carried away with this one but I loved creating a sense of  uplift (? not the right word, it's hard to describe). Anyway it's up to you to see what you see.



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

modern surreal art joyful fun - Radiate
Striking watercolour called Look Up!

Oh Boy I just had to put in those strong rectangles at the bottom! All that wonderful sky was needing a foil. And of course it is then partly representational but that's okay.



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

Of all my recent paintings I have to say this one is my personal favourite. It's not everyone's taste I know but the simple (not easy) design captures my attention and puts over the reaction I want. It took me ages to get to this but it was certainly worth the effort.



please click on the image for a bigger shot and all the details

vibrant paintings energy

I would love to hear your comments

4 + 14 =

all of the original abstract paintings above are unique pieces, no copies exist anywhere. To see more art please click the link below. You can view these paintings and more at my studio/gallery or see some exhibited with Bournemouth Art Club