Original Minimalist Painting


Serene Minimal Paintings are not easy to make but truly worthwhile. Leaving out anything that detracts from the feeling of serenity (in this case) without losing everything is the challenge.

This is a minimalist painting with a geometric design in watercolour which can be used to great effect in minimalism. In this example a little translucancy is used to bring out the power of the saturated large shape - hence the title - A Little and a Lot.

This painting is one of a series of serene minimal paintings on this website for you to enjoy.

Serene Minimal Paintings by Alan Brain - A Little and a Lot
Original Painting
Watercolour on paper
72 x 53 cm : 28 x 21 ins

A Little and a Lot


unframed including shipping anywhere

Serenity in minimalism as shown here is just one example of this genre but there are many other forms. You can see some examples on this website.

Are you interested to see how this artist makes a minimal painting? Click Making a Minimal Painting 

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