I have just finished an art show and the obvious question arises – “was it a success?”
A lot of us measure an art show success by how much money we made; that is important of course but I believe we should also ask –
⁄ did I get some follow on –
……teaching opportunities
……future sales
……gallery interest
……valuable contacts
⁄ what did I learn about my work from the visitors that can be acted upon, such as did new ideas occur to me from their comments
/ did the show give pleasure to others, have I become a better person from the show (just a little bit is well worthwhile)
/ how am I feeling now – low, down, contented, happy, satisfied.
/Do I feel like doing it again
/could I have used my time more valuably doing something else
These are my immediate thoughts on answering the success question, I will probably have some more later.
What are your thoughts/comments? I would love to hear them, please post below
By the way, I have decided to do another show in July