Alan Brain Art

contemporary war paintings for sale from U.K. artist

War and conflict have been intertwined with human history for centuries. From the devastating World Wars to the current global tensions, war remains a poignant subject depicted through art that can surpass the narrative we are more familiar with. The artist was born into a war and brought up by parents who served. He has worked for the military and visited Flanders, Arlington, Brookwood and several lesser known war grave sites. He has been moved by his experiences and has felt compelled to paint these contemporary war paintings. Each piece offers a unique perspective, capturing the artist's personal reflections on the impact of conflict.

Each painting conveys the emotions felt by the artist for those affected by war. He portrays abstract figures that symbolize the human experience amidst turmoil each one with total respect.

Flanders a world war one soldier's journey painting by alan brain

A soldier of The Great War - his journey.

Inspired by the artist's thoughts several years after a trip to the Flanders battlefields of Woeld War one.

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contemporary war painting about Flanders Fields

Bonded Brothers, forever.

Even after death the bonds of soldiers remain.

contemporary war art

A soldier's expectations - his destination.

Bleak and cold with no room for comforts

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You are viewing contemporary war paintings and you can see specific Paintings about World War One  which were inspired by a visit to the war graves in Flanders

aviation war art dambusters

Bomber Command - a night out.

contemporary war paintings

Facing Death.

new war art poppies

To the slaughter.

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abstract figure paintings for sale. contemporary figure art a soldiers return

Welcome home.

spiritual painting crypt


A rising moon of sorts, a flash of red

contemporary war artwork daddy


He did not come home but here is a statue.

a selection of these contemporary war paintings were exhibited at the Dialogue with Death exhibition in The Crypt Gallery St. Pancras

World War One paintings dawning of war in europe

Draw back the curtain of war

Great War Battles Art The Somme

The Somme.

Winter of 1916, quiet till the morning.

These contemporary war paintings are by Alan Brain who has been a painter for more than 25 years. They were painted over a period of approximately five years with some added as events occurred.

malaysian airlines flight 17 tragedy painting

Passengers Last View.

A terrorist's missile ends the flight

Contemporary war paintings ww1 danger tree

After the battle one tree remains.

They called it Danger Tree... obviously

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Menim Road world war one painting
art of the great war menin road

Lambs - three different colours, the same story

war art menin road III
contemporary war painting trench

Apt shape for the trench.

recent war painting trench warfare

several of these contemporary war paintings have been exhibited to commemorate The Fallen in London including  The Mall Gallery

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