Alan Brain Art
Personal Art Tuition
Made for you Painting Lessons to help you to Release your Creativity.
My personal art tuition is tailored to your needs, art is personal and you will have personal art tuition. We will do a lot of talking you will do a lot of painting. My art classes in Dorset are easy to attend - we work to your schedule, you have your own secure studio.
Sooner or later all of us artists start to wonder what to paint next. We have struggled with the application (the how to paint) and made some good paintings but now we are wondering if there is more to art than this -
There most certainly is!
You are about to find your true inspiration and direction - but you probably need help - I did.
I can help you. With one to one painting lessons I can work with you on the what and why to paint (the how to paint - the tools - become subordinate which is as it should be). Take the next step, don't give up as many do -
find and release your own creativity!
Through my personal art tuition I have helped a lot of artists to take that step and find out the way that works for them, the way they want to paint, the way that satisfies them.
We artists start by painting what we see, it is great to put on paper in paint something. We go to art classes and get better and better at how to paint and it's likely find we paint like the tutor maybe even subjects chosen by the tutor. In time this process becomes less satisfying, frusrating and eventually boring - are you at that stage?
If so you need to think about painting not what you see but how you feel about what you see and this is where I start with my personal art tuition. It is a challenging thought, perhaps daunting - I know, I have been there and after repeated thoughts it becomes the driver to painting.
Then inspiration grows and with further one to one tuition I help you to express yourself in art, we look at the shapes and colours that work for you and other elements too such as texture, line and symbols anything that is going to make your painting work for you. At each stage we remove any stoppers (such as watercolour rules) as required.
You will subsequently develop your own identity as an artist, your work will be truly yours, you will have found your own way to paint.
Want to know more?
There are answers to a lot of questions below but I have found a discussion before proceeding is desirable for us both, so please contact me on 07941 562 162 and we can talk it through, thank you.
personal art tuition - one to one, art classes in Dorset arranged to suit you, studio space provided
What level should I be at?
It doesn't matter. I will tailor the tuition to match your experience.
What medium will I use?
whatever you want to. whatever your happiest with or want to experiment with.
How long will I need?
if you want a taster or refresher then not long - perhaps just one two hour session. if you want to learn in some depth then five or six sessions are in order.
Can I bring a friend?
yes, I have two working studios. if you bring a friend it shares the cost some and can be more fun but I will concentrate on each of you separately so you do not aim to paint alike
What is the goal?
to learn to paint the way YOU want to paint. Not like me, not like anyone else, to find your own way.
painting is creating and creating is about thinking new thoughts triggering new ideas
How much does it cost?
One session costs £50. I charge £25 per hour for tuition. typically a session starts at ten and ends at two. I teach for two hours over the day the rest is painting time for you with me available to help if needed.
What do I need to bring?
bring you usual painting equipment. anything you don't have I can probably provide. beginners need to bring nothing.
How is the course structured?
typically I teach, you paint, we review. I am always there when you paint but at pains not to intrude. as you progress we add new understandings and techniques that match your needs
How do the workshops work?
before the pandemic I ran four or five day workshops for up to six students. there is space here to paint and students took the opportunity to explore around here for subjects to paint.
Will I learn to paint like you?
No! you will benefit from learning methods and technique but the emphasis is always to find the painting direction for you.
Here is a bit about me your art tutor...
I have been giving personal art classes in Dorset for about 7 years since moving here from Surrey UK. I taught for about 8 years before moving. Personal art tuition, one to one with the artist works best for me. My goal is always to help artists to find their own way to paint not the tutor's way.