abstract figure paintings for sale from the artist


The human shape or form is much painted. Some show an exact likeness, with the subject's characteristics.  Others forget accuracy and focus on the body language in different situations - creating abstract figure paintings such as these here. No figure is recognisable as a particular individual and so the viewer can identify the figure or figures in their own way.  The feeling or the emotion that the shapes and colours convey is the priority in this figure art and anything goes to achieve that goal.

Here is a variety. Some of the abstract figures have a surreal look, others were inspired by the impact of war  and others by hats all manner of things can influence painting.

The artwork is in watercolour with sometimes a little acrylic. Unless marked otherwise the paintings are for sale directly from me the artist

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These two dancing figure paintings are surreal art - can you feel the joy of the movement?

a selection of these contemporary war paintings were exhibited at the Dialogue with Death exhibition in The Crypt Gallery St. Pancras

abstract figure painting attitude III

A lady with attitude in the desert. This painting was inspired by folk I met in Arizona.

personal abstract figure painting - mother

This painting called Painting Mother was created for a special occasion.

The series below were painted over a short time when I was attemting to put a sense of mystery into the abstracted figures. The figures themselves occupy only a small part of the painting but of course draw your eye immediately... however the large remainder is important to set the desired feeling to the work.

Click here to see a post describing how these mysterious figures were created.

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The shape of a hijab is so expressive in this troubled world

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A tortured figure? 

The human figure is one of the most painted subjects, why? Through our lives we spend a lot of time looking at people - our family, friends, relations, colleagues, strangers. We look closely at their facial expression and body language as part of the communication process. We see every emotion in the figures, love, hate, concern, sympathy, jealousy, antipathy, caution and many more. We assess the person’s emotional state so we can respond accordingly. Artists want to capture that emotion so that the painting communicates with you the viewer. These paintings do not describe a person or even a feature such as an eye, accurately but abstract the figure to capture the essence – a mixture of expression and body language.

The three pieces below feature hats, they are a wonderful object to paint, they can be most any shape, lots of colours or no colour at all, such variety.

Click to see how these Hat Paintings were created

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hat paintings cowboy

Another hat painting -  The painting of hats has been a delight for this artist. The many shapes, colours and tilt create a character. I let the hat do the talking and do not put in facial details for example. This particular example  has the rather obvious title of Cowboy but it works. It is an abstract figure painting with a hat plus a neckerchief as the main features all in glorious watercolour.

The oriental figure shapes intrigued me for a while. The sharp angles and softer background shapes are used here to create the feeling, but most of all it is the colours I believe.

I have painted several series of paintings and the ones below are a selection that feature figures from my war series . They have been exhibited in the Mall Gallery and Crypt Gallery in London

Several of these abstract figure paintings are for sale. I supply them directly to you with guarantees of originality and a return policy, if you would like to buy a piece please click...

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