Alan Brain Art

Anything About Art

Here are all the Blog Posts written by me about art. Anything goes as long as it is about art and hopefully of interest to others. I add about one a month and I am always open to requests or additions of your own.

Blog Items by Alan Brain

very different paintings unusual art

very different paintings unusual art

Very Different Paintings - Unusual Art   When I first started to paint I wanted like most others to make something recognisable in a pleasing setting such as a boat on a lake or a beautiful...

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Horsham Museum Art Gallery Exhibition

Horsham Museum Art Gallery Exhibition

Horsham Museum Art Gallery Exhibition I am delighted to be exhibiting at...  The Gallery Horsham Museum 4th November 2023 - 2nd March 2024 Here is a preview of my four paintings there......

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xxxemotion in paintings xxx

xxxemotion in paintings xxx

Emotion in Paintings - What Does That Mean? view some examples of paintings with emotion and journey with the artist to discover and create art with emotion A post from artist Alan Brain whose goal...

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tips for artists

tips for artists

Tips for Artists Practical Advice to Assist and Guide   I have been a serious painter for more than 25 years, I have studied in the UK and USA and I have heard truckloads of advice and tips for...

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Shaftesbury Art Exhibition

Shaftesbury Art Exhibition

Shaftesbury Art Exhibition I am delighted to be exhibiting with...  Shaftesbury Art Exhibition  Seven artists with a passion for abstract art join to present their diverse approaches. This is...

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Recent Paintings by Alan Brain

Recent Paintings by Alan Brain

Recent Paintings by Alan Brain   It's time to collect together my recent paintings and publish them... so here they are 🙂 If you would like to buy any or simply say hi then please contact me...

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points of interest Dec 2020

points of interest Dec 2020

alan brain art points of interest For me art is a wonderful antidote and as this eventful year draws to a close I thought I would put together some points of interest from an artistic viewpoint -...

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hat paintings

hat paintings

Hat Paintings Hats have inspired me to make a whole range of paintings. Some are about happiness, fun and beauty, others are about intrigue, respect and sadness. In other words my paintings with...

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Aerobility Aviators Ball Silent Auction

Aerobility Aviators Ball Silent Auction

Anything About Art click for moreAerobility Aviators Ball Silent Auction   Finished 28th. November 2020! pleased that all my contributions were taken  You can preview here the paintings to be...

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Dialogue with Death Exhibition

Dialogue with Death Exhibition

Dialogue with Death Exhibition On 11th. November we will once again commemorate the fallen from wars. In March 2015 I was pleased to exhibit some of my war series paintings at the Dialogue with...

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Mysterious Figure Paintings

Mysterious Figure Paintings

Mysterious Figure Paintings   You can use frustration to fuel creation for example, to make a series of mysterious figure paintings  You find a good idea, dont stop after the first painting,...

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World War One paintings

World War One paintings

World War One Paintings   One hundred years ago the war to end all wars began, it was called The Great War - I have studied that conflict and visited Flanders, it hardened my hatred of war and...

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Remembrance Week Paintings.

Remembrance Week Paintings.

Remembrance Week at St Marks Church Highcliffe   About The Paintings Original Artwork by Local Artist Alan Brain to Commemorate the end of The Great War  Aftermath Soldiers who survived the...

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Change a Painting -why?

Change a Painting -why?

see more paintings  Why change a painting? Alan Brain recalls some examples... Sometimes, after you think you have finished you decide to change a painting. It can be months later, even years -...

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three abstract paintings in yellow

three abstract paintings in yellow

"Paint more abstract yellow paintings" That was guidance given to me (well an instruction really 🙂 )  from a lady who knows - Katherine Lieu. So I have. And they keep coming. Here are three and I...

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red and blue paintings

red and blue paintings

 Painting with one colour, red and blue paintings thus far.   To use one colour in a painting is challenging to me. I want the emotion to be created by the single hue in a simple design....

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art show success?

art show success?

I have just finished an art show and the obvious question arises - "was it a success?" A lot of us measure an art show success by how much money we made; that is important of course but I believe we...

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Anything About Art - Artist Alan Brain's journal

A collection of events and experiences from Alan Brain since becoming an artist. Each item is written with teaching in mind - not technique particularly but content - what the painting holds which the viewer may understand.

Would you like to see my art?

Just want to see the studio?


Then please contact me to make an appointment

Tel: 07941 562 162

email: [email protected]



BH23 5HW,