Alan Brain Art

surreal paintings for sale directly from U.K. artist


View these surreal paintings which are unlike any others.

Surrealism is about putting recognisable objects into unreal situations. The objects or shapes can be distorted and in impossible colours. The result is a truly different kind of painting. The emotion in the painting is one of disquiet, amusement and thoughtfulness.

These examples of surrealism selected for you by the artist have individuality to fire your imagination and to let you see the world differently - it's a journey with mystery and excitement and sometimes it's a little disturbing.

You may notice the influence of geometric art in these surreal paintings - it is an approach I am drawn to as it enhances what I am trying to say. The sharp angles and the geometric shapes take you into the art, they can provide areas of unpredictability and also provide resting points.

All of these surreal paintings are for sale directly from me the U.K. artist living in Dorset. I will ship them to you frre of charge wherever you are and guarantee you have the only one of its kind.

surreal paintings for sale rectangular art - Room III
surreal paintings for sale

The art above are two of my recent surreal paintings for sale both inspired by a visit to a gallery. It was empty and quiet but resonated something I have attempted to capture in paint.

The five surreal paintings below are a little older and perhaps more experimental, minimalism was not an important factor then.

surreal painting Find artist Alan Brain
modern surreal art joyful fun - Radiate

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The two paintings above are a couple of my older surreal paintings for sale both inspired by the sense of a figure trapped in space. They have been exhibited as a pair with The Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour as part of the annual open.

And the ones below are just to explore surrealism.

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I have used surrealism to paint a series about polluting our planet. Surrealism is so right for the subject.

original abstract paintings every piece is unique

These two surreal paintings are clearly of the female figure, perhaps a celebration of somekind, joy for certain I think.

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contemporary surreal paintings for sale- high dive

I found myself creating surreal paintings with no intent to do so - it just happened. Once I started I could not stop. I became intrigued by imagining a real situation and moving it to a surreal one - symbols became a large part of my painting language. There are many examples of surrealism, I would call mine mild surrealism as I do not deform shapes or use outrageous colours. I use surrealism only to say what I want to say.

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